Dr. Ram Kumar. E
He completed his MBBS from Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore and DNB (Nuclear Medicine) from prestigious Sir Gangaram Hospital and post graduate medical education centre, New Delhi .
Dr. Ram Kumar. E,
MBBS , DNB (Nuclear Medicine).,
Direct Dial : 4323150
Experience :
He worked as a registrar in Manipal Hospitals, New Delhi from January 2020 - January 2021, prior to joining KMCH as a registrar. He worked as registrar in KMCH, coimbatore from January 2021 - August , 2022, before becoming a consultant in dept of nuclear medicine.
Nuclear Neurology with special interest in movement disorders, Dementia spectrum disorders and degenerative diseases Radionuclide Therapy
Society of Nuclear medicine and molecular imaging (SNMMI). Association of nuclear medicine physicians of India (ANMPI), World association of radiopharmaceuticals and molecular therapy (WARMTH)
ICMR medical student research project during MBBS on “prevalence of pre hypertension in young individuals and correlation with antroprometric indices”. Thesis dissertation on “ Utility of 18F FDG PET/CT in mediastinal lymph nodal staging of carcinoma lung patients”.
Anna endowment award from govt of tamilnadu for state level meritorious performance in higher secondary examinations. Ravi K Jerath award for best outgoing resident during PG Dr. Ramadas award for best paper from society of nuclear medicine India , southern chapter Prof. Ralph blumhardt award for best paper from AZNM
Elumalai RK, Verma R, Malik D, Belho ES. Asymptomatic Isolated Vulvar Metastasis in Old Treated Case of Carcinoma Rectum-Diagnosis and Treatment Response Evaluation by 18F-FDG PET/CT Scan. Clin Nucl Med. 2019; 44(3):163-165. Elumalai RK, Gupta N, Verma R, Belho ES. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission Tomography–Computed tomography in the evaluation of unusual cutaneous manifestation of carcinoma urinary bladder. Indian J Nucl Med 2020;35:251-252. Elumalai RK, Gupta N, Ranjan R, et al. Discordant findings of different positron emission tomography/CT tracers in a case of glioblastoma. World Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2021 Oct-Dec;20(4):401-404. Elumalai RK, Gupta N, Verma R, Belho ES. Utility of different positron emission tomography/computed tomography tracers in the evaluation of incidentally detected dual malignancies: An experience from a tertiary care center. World J Nucl Med. 2021 Nov 25;20(4):382-385. Gupta N, Elumalai RK, Verma R, Belho ES, Dhawan S. Spinal tuberculosis mimicking as prostate cancer metastases in Ga-68 prostate-specific membrane antigen positron-emission tomography/computed tomography. Indian J Nucl Med 2020;35:271-3. Malik D, Elumalai RK, Verma R, Belho ES, Seniaray N, Mahajan H. Gastric Mucosal Hypertrophy Masquerading as Metastasis From Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Pancreas Detected on 68Ga-DOTANOC PET/CT. Clin Nucl Med. 2020; 45: 74-75.
Oral paper presentation titled “Diagnostic accuracy of F18 FDG PET/CT in mediastinal lymph nodal staging of recently diagnosed carcinoma lung” in European congress of radiology (ECR), Vienna (March, 2019). Oral presentation titled “mediastinal lymph nodal staging by 18F FDG PET/CT in patients with co-existent carcinoma lung and tuberculosis: A tertiary care experience” in Radiological society of north America (RSNA), Chicago (December, 2019). Oral presentation titled diagnostic accuracy of 18F FDG PET/CT in Mediastinal lymph nodal staging of Recently diagnosed carcinoma lung: Establishing cut off maximum standardized Uptake value in a tubercular endemic zone Radiological society of north America (RSNA)(December, 2020) – VIRTUAL. Oral presentation titled Utility of 18f FDG PET CT in management of seronegative autoimmune encephalitis , SNMMI , mid winter meeting, Orlando, florida- February, 2022